Latest News: Gourmet Society celebrates World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, we have rounded up a collection of our favourite restaurants with literary connections...

              "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."
              -Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

Winteringham Fields - Winteringham, Lincolnshire

This restaurant utilises the proximity of the beautiful Lincolnshire countryside and its abundance of naturally grown produce to create a wonderfully absurd Alice in Wonderland themed menu, using quotes from Lewis Carroll's beloved classic to hint at the next dish. Expect all manners of curious surprises from this wholly original culinary experience.

25% off food and drink - click here for more details.

Oakley Hall - Basingstoke, Hampshire

Formerly owned by the Bramston family, close friends of Jane Austen, Oakley Hall is mentioned fondly in her letters to her sister Cassandra. Beady eyed bookworms may notice some strong similarities to her descriptions of Mansfield Park - and they would be right! It's the perfect location for those visiting Austen's hometown of Steventon to dine.

50% off food - click here for more details.

Fox and Hounds - Westerham, Kent

From Wolf Hall to The Other Boleyn Girl, historical fiction has long been dominated by the dark intrigue of Anne Boleyn, and now you've got the chance to go back to where it all began. Visit Hever Castle, birthplace of the controversial Queen and explore the sleepy Kent countryside before heading to the award winning Fox and Hounds for a meal fit for a king.

2-for-1 main course - click here for more details.

Linthwaite House - Windermere, Cumbria

The Lake District and its breath taking scenery have played muse to some of English literature's greatest and most revered writers, making it the source of Peter Rabbit, Swallows & Amazons, and even Postman Pat. Wordsworth claimed it to be 'the loveliest spot that man hath found', and we think you'd agree.

25% off food and drink - click here for more details.

The Coach and Horses - Clerkenwell, London

George Gissing's depiction of a grim, sulphurous underworld is a far cry from the modern Clerkenwell to be found now, but it doesn't take much to evoke the dark labyrinth of Victorian London. Take refuge in The Coach and Horses with its comforting menu of British classics before venturing out in search of Fagin's lair and other local literary landmarks.

2-for-1 main courses - click here for more details.

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